Watch LaterAdded 01:16:27 Lectures at Major EventsSocietyVideos Resisting Extremism | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufJanuary 12, 2016 March 1, 2020 In this lecture the speaker addresses the topic of resisting extremism in the current climate and the additional importance for Musl... 03.7K511
Watch LaterAdded 27:05 New Video Khadija, A’isha, and Fatima (May Allah be please with them all) Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufDecember 12, 2012 March 6, 2020 Title – Khadija, A’isha, and Fatima: Who is Superior? (May Allah be please with them all) Visit our website: https://www... 03.6K471
Watch LaterAdded 01:14 Hadith Series Hadith Series: Saturate Between the Fingers and Toes in Wudu | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 16, 2017 January 4, 2020 When you perform ablution, saturate your fingers and toes (Tirmidhī, Ibn Māja). You can also like us on facebook: https://www.facebo... 03.6K510
Watch LaterAdded 01:02:11 Akhlaq and Self HelpHajj and UmrahLectures at Major EventsVideos Missing Hajj for a Phone Charger | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufJanuary 24, 2016 March 1, 2020 This lecture is about learning to differentiate between objectives and needs in life and not to waste time pursuing the wrong goals.... 03.6K301
Watch LaterAdded 55:17 Lectures at Major EventsProphetic BiographyProphets, Angels, and CompanionsVideosVirtues of the Prophet The Prophet of Mercy: To be Followed, not just Admired | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufJanuary 17, 2016 March 4, 2020 A talk by Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf on the Prophet Muhammad, the Messenger of Mercy, highlighting the features that make him the... 03.5K380
Watch LaterAdded 14:59 The Way Ahead The Way Ahead | Career in Education | Maulana Dilawar Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufFebruary 8, 2017 February 15, 2020 The way ahead was an event held in East London in December 2016 as a careers open day for young Islamic scholars. In the following t... 03.5K290
Watch LaterAdded 33:19 Treatise for the Seekers of Guidance Treatise For The Seekers Of Guidance Part 6: Sacrificing Hajj for Your Patient: An Amazing Story Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufJanuary 6, 2016 August 25, 2020 How do we remain fully submitted to Allah to what He has planned, despite things not materialising our way? In this talk, Mufti Abdu... 03.5K350
Watch LaterAdded 30:24 Hajj and UmrahLectures at Major EventsVideos Delaying Hajj until You Retire or Become More Pious | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufJuly 27, 2016 March 1, 2020 In this talk the speaker discusses the importance of performing Hajj and not just waiting till one becomes old. Also covers the impo... 03.5K270
Watch LaterAdded 01:29 Q&A : Questions and Answers Q&A: Allocating a Juz’ to Members of a Whatsapp Qur’an Reading Group Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufMay 1, 2017 March 1, 2020 Question: Can one allocate a Juz to members of a whatsapp Qur’an reading group? You can like us on facebook: https://www.faceb... 03.5K360
Watch LaterAdded 15:51 Hadith Series Hadith Series: Studying Sacred Knowledge: What is Your Intention Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufMarch 18, 2016 January 4, 2020 The following hadith is covered in this video: One who seeks that knowledge by which the pleasure of Allah is sought only to acquire... 03.4K351