Watch LaterAdded 00:53 Qasida Burda Series Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 29 | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf October 31, 2014 February 15, 2020 Title: Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 29 Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Commentary on Imam Busiri’s classical poem in praise of t... 02.5K130
Watch LaterAdded 51:26 Qasida Burda Series Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 28 | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf October 21, 2014 February 15, 2020 Title: Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 28 Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Commentary on Imam Busiri’s classical poem in praise of t... 02.4K140
Watch LaterAdded 01:03:01 Qasida Burda Series Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 27 | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf October 2, 2014 February 15, 2020 Title: Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 27 Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Commentary on Imam Busiri’s classical poem in praise of t... 02.5K100
Watch LaterAdded 01:05 Qasida Burda Series Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 26 | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf September 27, 2014 February 15, 2020 Title: Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 26 Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Commentary on Imam Busiri’s classical poem in praise of t... 02.6K120
Watch LaterAdded 54:26 Qasida Burda Series Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 25 | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf September 13, 2014 February 15, 2020 Title: Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 25 Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Commentary on Imam Busiri’s classical poem in praise of t... 03K130
Watch LaterAdded 48:29 Qasida Burda Series Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 24 | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf September 12, 2014 February 15, 2020 Title: Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 24 Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Commentary on Imam Busiri’s classical poem in praise of t... 03.1K140
Watch LaterAdded 57:05 Qasida Burda Series Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 23 | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf September 7, 2014 February 15, 2020 Title: Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Part 23 Qasida Burda (The Mantle Ode) Commentary on Imam Busiri’s classical poem in praise of t... 05.1K441