Watch LaterAdded 10:55 Hadith Series Hadith Series: Missing Friday Prayer | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufMay 5, 2016 January 4, 2020 The following hadith is covered in this video: Whoever misses the Friday prayer without any legitimate excuse will be recorded a hyp... 04.5K330
Watch LaterAdded 11:54 Hadith Series Hadith Series: In Search of Sacred Knowledge | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufApril 26, 2016 January 4, 2020 The following hadith is covered in this video: Whoever leaves home to seek sacred knowledge is on the path of Allāh until he returns... 03.4K240
Watch LaterAdded 21:56 Hadith Series Hadith Series: Rectifying Others Wrongs | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufApril 2, 2016 January 4, 2020 The following hadith is covered in this video: He among you who sees a wrongdoing should rectify it with his hands; if he is unable... 03.5K260
Watch LaterAdded 20:24 Hadith Series Hadith Series: Visiting a Fortune-Teller | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufMarch 27, 2016 January 4, 2020 The following hadith is covered in this video: Whoever visits a fortune-teller and asks him about something, his prayer will not be... 04.8K560
Watch LaterAdded 15:51 Hadith Series Hadith Series: Studying Sacred Knowledge: What is Your Intention Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufMarch 18, 2016 January 4, 2020 The following hadith is covered in this video: One who seeks that knowledge by which the pleasure of Allah is sought only to acquire... 03.6K351
Watch LaterAdded 09:26 Hadith Series Hadith Series: Purpose Of Seeking Knowledge | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufMarch 10, 2016 January 4, 2020 Remember, Ikhlas (Sincerity) is even more important when one is pursuing sacred knowledge. When we study sacred knowledge, we should... 04.1K431
Watch LaterAdded 04:29 Hadith Series How to Become Wise | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufFebruary 12, 2016 January 4, 2020 In this talk the Shaykh speaks on the benefits of indulging less in the dunya (World) and how it will make us more wise. You can als... 026.4K4687
Watch LaterAdded 05:02 Hadith Series Are We Really Concerned for the Ummah | Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufFebruary 3, 2016 January 4, 2020 Verily the world is accursed and accursed is what it contains, except the remembrance of Allāh, that which Allāh loves, and someone... 04.2K570
Watch LaterAdded 29:49 Treatise for the Seekers of Guidance Treatise For The Seekers Of Guidance Part 16: The Main 15 Everyday Supplications (Du’as) Explained Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufJanuary 12, 2016 August 25, 2020 In this talk, the Shaykh goes through each of the meaning of the finely selected daily du’as such as (eating, sleeping, leaving the... 07.2K1252
Watch LaterAdded 01:15:53 Lectures at Major EventsNew VideoSigns of the Last DayVideos Signs of the Day of Judgement by Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf HD Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufDecember 18, 2011 March 2, 2020 Signs of the Day of Judgement by Shaykh Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf Visit our website: Join us on facebook on: www.... 08.2K472