Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomVideos The Fascinating Journey of Humans [Hikam 97] AdminJuly 29, 2021 “There are two graces from which no being can be separated and that are inevitable for every creature: the grace of existence,... 01.6K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomLatestVideos The Sin that Leads You to Allah [Hikam 95] AdminJuly 19, 2021 “Sometimes He opens the door of obedience for you but not the door of acceptance; or sometimes He condemns you to sin, and it... 02.3K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomLatestVideos Deprivation Hurts You Because You Don’t Know Allah [Hikam 94] AdminJune 23, 2021 June 23, 2021 “Deprivation hurts you only because of the lack of your understanding of God in it.” [Hikam 94] 01.9K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomVideos The Reason Allah Prevents Things from Us [Hikam 93] AdminJune 23, 2021 “When He gives, He shows you His kindness; when He deprives, He shows you His power. And in all that, He is making Himself kno... 01.6K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomVideos Gifts That Cause You Loss [Hikam 88] AdminJune 18, 2021 “A gift from man is deprivation, and deprivation from God is beneficence” [HIKAM 88, Page 195] This delicate disc... 01.7K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of Wisdom Why Does God Prevent Things From Us [Hikam 84] AdminJune 7, 2021 “When He opens up your understanding of deprivation, the deprivation becomes the same as the gift.” [HIKAM 84] 01.5K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomLatest Has God Given You or Deprived You [Hikam 83] AdminJune 2, 2021 “Sometimes He gives while depriving you, and sometimes He deprives you in giving.” [HIKAM 83] The discussion of the abov... 02K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomLatestVideos I am No Longer Part of the Rat Race [Hikam 62] AdminMarch 14, 2021 “In your despairing, you are a free man; and in your coveting, you are a slave.” Hikam 62 Page 214 01.9K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomLatest Why You Get Upset With Your Suffering [Hikam 106] AdminMarch 9, 2021 “Whoever supposes that His gentleness is separate from His decree of Fate does so out of shortsightedness” Hikam 106 pag... 01.7K00
Watch LaterAdded Book of WisdomLatestNew Lectures How to Benefit from Your Suffering [Hikam 105 AdminMarch 6, 2021 “To soften for you the suffering of affliction, He has taught you that He is the One who causes trials to come upon you. For t... 01.9K00