BusinessFatawaFiqh Husband Supporting Family with Haram Money? Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 4, 2010 Question If a husband says his only way of supporting the family is by dealing with interest-based work, what should the wife do? Is... 01.4K00
FatawaFiqhMarriage and Divorce Husband Supporting Family with Haram Money? Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 4, 2010 Question If a husband says his only way of supporting the family is by dealing with interest-based work, what should the wife do? Is... 01.2K00
FatawaFiqhSalat Incontinence and Prayer Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 4, 2010 Question I was reading in the mukhtasar of quduri about salas (incontinence) and i wanted to make sure that I have it right. To esta... 01.5K00
FatawaFiqhWomen’s Fiqh Insufficient Purity: Menstruation Query AdminJune 7, 2013 I have a problem... In the month of May I started on 8th and finished on 14th. In May I started 28th which means that there wasn’t... 22.4K00
FatawaFiqhWomen’s Fiqh Irregular bleeding due to the Coil (IUD) AdminDecember 18, 2012 Question on Irregular bleeding due to the Coil (IUD) answered by Umm Huzayfah 37.6K00
BusinessFatawaFiqh Is Deducted Life Insurance Money Halal? Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 4, 2010 Question Can one take the money of Life insurance (when the time comes) when the money that is used to pay for this insurance is aut... 01.5K00
FatawaFiqhWomen’s Fiqh Is it ok for a women to study with a male Sheikh? Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 4, 2010 Question Is it ok for a women to study with a male Sheikh? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum. In the name of... 21.9K00
Fatawa Is Keeping A Pet Sunnah? Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 4, 2010 Question I was recently told that it is a sunnah to keep a pet (any acceptable animal) in the home. Also, that keeping a pet more ea... 08.2K00
FatawaFiqhWomen’s Fiqh Is Niqab Established in Islamic Law or is it Merely a Cultural Practice? AdminDecember 10, 2012 I have recently started wearing hijab, however, i am now being introduced to many different forms of it. Personally, I wear loose fi... 04.7K00
Fatawa Is Street Fighting Allowed? Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn YusufSeptember 4, 2010 Question Can you please tell me whether it is allowed in Islam for a man to do stuff like street fighting, (just like Fight Club the... 01.3K00