Ask A Question
Assalamu ‘alaykum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu
Mufti Abdur-Rahman is available to serve the needs of the community. Whether it’s something on your mind that you need guidance on, have marital issues, feel spiritually down or you are a young person going through issues, Mufti Abdur-Rahman is open and easily approachable in dealing with the many diverse needs of a contemporary society.
- You can call (NOT TEXT) the Mufti in complete confidence on the following number, UK 07407 711305, and international +447407 711305 anytime after 2pm UK time. Please DO NOT TEXT, even to ask for a time. Just call at a decent time, and if the phone is not answered call again later. You will not receive any response by text.
- This is a voluntary service and calls are taken as and when the Mufti is available. If your call is not responded to please try again a bit later.
- Please do NOT text as texts and SMS are not responded to.
- Note: We do NOT deal with issues of jinn possession, magic, provide ruqya services or dream interpretation.
- If you have a marital related question, consider reading ‘Handbook of a Healthy Muslim Marriage‘ by Dr. Mufti Abdur-Rahman ibn Yusuf Mangera
If you have a fiqh related query (mas’ala) about whether something is permissible or impermissible, halal or haram, and need a written response, then submit your question through the Whitethread Fatwa Centre (Darul Ifta’) at
It has been established exclusively to serve the juridical needs of the Muslim community.
Below QR codes for our whatsapp and telegram channels.