Ustadha Umm Huzayfah

Ustadha Umm Huzayfah

Ustadha Umm Huzayfah (wife of Mufti Abdur Rahman Mangera) was raised in the UK where she attended Jami’at ul-Imam, a madrasa in Bradford, England for 5 years. There, she completed the ‘Alimah course of study covering many of the Islamic sciences which she studied exclusively with female scholars. After graduating, she continued to teach fiqh and Hadith at the same seminary. Umm Huzayfah, a mother of four, also previously taught Islamic classes in USA and at a children’s school affiliated with the Islamic Society of Santa Barbara, USA. She specializes in the fiqh of menstruation (hayd), post-natal bleeding (nifas) and dysfunctional uterine bleeding (istihada). Currently she teaches the women’s Advanced Islamic Studies course at Masjid a Quba as well as classes at ZamZam Academy

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  1. Assalamualkium sister
    I hope & pray your well
    I wanted to ask if you can help a small group of sisters with the understanding of Quran,
    we wanted the translation of Quran, please let me know if it works

    We are based in Ilford
    East London
    Would prefer classes online zoom
